Libri segnalazioni di dicembre 2015
Le mie segnalazioni
M. Allodi, A, Cassone, A, Marziani a cura di, Dal pensiero al progetto del verde: saperi, abilità e competenze, Biblion Collana Dendron, 2015, 446 pp. 38 euro
Il testo raccoglie in forma di percorso strutturato i contributi di oltre 20 autori che hanno svolto e svolgono attività di docenza nel corso di progettazione di giardini della Scuola Arte & messaggio ed è concepito quale ideale strumento a supporto delle competenze di coloro che orientano la propria specializzazione professionale verso la progettazione di spazi verdi.
R. Paoli, Ballando sui tavoli, Meastri di Giardino Editori, 2015, 107 pp, 9 euro
Un racconto sincero del percorso, non sempre facile, ma sempre appassionato di una vivaista di eccellenza che ha portato in Italia una interessante collezione di ortensie
G. M. Crespi, Il mio filo rosso. Il “Corriere” e altre storie della mia vita, Einaudi, 2015, 454 pp., 22 euro
Giulia Maria Crespi appartiene a un’importante famiglia lombarda, di cui ha proseguito la tradizione filantropica e di impegno civile. Con naturale voce narrativa, senza autoindulgenza, con sincerità e nessun timore reverenziale racconta qui le molte avventurose storie della sua vita. Centrali nel libro sono le vicende del «Corriere della Sera», di grande importanza per la storia del nostro Paese. Giulia Maria Crespi, che in modo crescente partecipa alla gestione del giornale, si adopera in una battaglia per l’ammodernamento del «Corriere», in consonanza con la parte piú progressista dell’opinione pubblica. Una svolta coraggiosa ma irta di difficoltà, che nel 1974 la costringeranno a lasciare la gestione del giornale. Si occupa sempre piú della Fondazione Crespi Morbio per Famiglie Numerose e di Italia Nostra. Nel 1975 assieme a Renato Bazzoni fonda il FAI (Fondo Ambiente Italiano) per la tutela e valorizzazione del patrimonio artistico e ambientale. Da 40 anni lotta strenuamente per difendere l’agricoltura in Italia, in particolare quella organica.
F. Armiraglio, I luoghi del cuore FAI, Rizzoli, 2015, 319 pp., 39 euro
Articolo di Repubblica 19 novembre 2015
Fondazione Ordine Architetti, Mappa Architectural Walks in Milan
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EBOOK Il consumo di suolo: strumenti per un dialogo, a cura dell’Istituto di Biometereologia
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AIDTPG (a cura di), Linee guida per la gestione della sicurezza dei patrimoni arborei pubblici.
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Segnalazioni dalla Libreria della natura di Milano
London’s gardeners are twice blessed: not only do they live in one of the world’s most vibrant capitals, it is also one of the most verdant. Gardens of every imaginable style, shape and size abound on rooftops, within palaces, surrounding churches, behind walls – on every piece of dry land – even if it is floating on or lapped by the river Thames. In Great Gardens of London, Victoria Summerley, Hugo Rittson Thomas and Marianne Majerus collaborate to unearth the most fascinating stories of plants and people inside London’s most exciting gardens. Some of the gardens are strictly private, while others are regularly open to visitors, but all can now be savoured and enjoyed along with those who know them best. Great Gardens of London is a captivating photographic portrait of the greatest gardens of the capital which are primarily closed to the public or rarely open their gates. It will feature gardens designed by some of the leading contemporary garden designers from across the world. Accompanying the photographs will be essays on the design and planting that explain the designers’ inspiration and passion.
Torna in edizione completamente aggiornata il volume di Emanuele Bortolotti “Il giardino inaspettato” per imparare le tecniche con cui progettare un giardino, un terrazzo e altri ambienti. Cortili, ingressi, muri, terrazzi e altri inattesi ambienti non sfruttati possono trasformarsi in uno spazio verde di straordinaria vitalità, in grado di abbattere i confini tra interno ed esterno dell’abitare quotidiano e innovare radicalmente il paesaggio urbano. Emanuele Bortolotti, visionario e concreto progettista di giardini e di paesaggi, lancia una sfida alla città con un obiettivo insolito e complesso: immaginare la natura che si riappropria di spazi normalmente persi o sottoutilizzati se non trascurati per trasformarli e valorizzarli, in nome di una migliore qualità dell’abitare. Idee, curiosità, soluzioni: con un ricco corredo fotografico il libro propone una selezione del creare con la vegetazione, spesso realizzato in condizioni estreme – angoli bui, cavedi dei palazzi, facciate condominiali desolate – per trasformare un limite ambientale in un elemento attrattivo. Il volume comprende nuove realizzazioni dell’autore, sensibile al valore terapeutico che la presenza del verde può avere sull’uomo.
THE GARDENS OF ARNE MAYNARD, A.A. V.V., 308 pp., 67.50 euro
This is the first book on the work of one of today s most celebrated and sought-after garden designers. Arne Maynard is known for his award-winning gardens at the Royal Horticultural Society s Chelsea Flower Show (2000, 2012) and for his beautiful and sympathetic gardens for private houses across the world. Central to his work as a designer is his ability to identify and draw out the essence of a place, something that gives his gardens a particular quality of harmony and belonging. Maynard is also a passionate gardener himself, and is in the process of transforming the garden around his house in Monmouthshire, Wales. This garden is one of those featured in the book, offering unique insights into the work in progress and his design methods. Also featured is Maynard s very first garden of his own, at Guanock House in Norfolk, where over ten years he created a formal layout including a kitchen garden, herbaceous borders and a knot garden from a field. Each of the twelve gardens is specially photographed and is described through the seasons in personal text by Maynard himself, including details of the brief and plant selection. The book also includes fully illustrated features on various topics close to Maynard s heart, such as growing and using roses, planting borders, creating productive kitchen gardens, incorporating sculpture in the garden, and training trees and shrubs.
Described by Vogue as ‘the revelatory garden book for our age’, The Private Gardens of England is a glorious celebration of the art of gardening through some of the country’s hidden horticultural jewels. Thirty-five English private gardens, thoughtfully selected by the writer and designer Tania Compton, are vividly described in the words of their owners, who bring an astonishing sense of intimacy to their own creations as well as their collaborations with some of the leading garden designers of today. From the Bannermans’ romantic Cornish castle to the windswept shores of Howick in Northumberland via Jasper Conran in Somerset and Tom Stuart-Smith in Hertfordshire, an eclectic range of gardens is revealed. The traditional English garden is seen through the fresh eyes of plantswomen such as Mary-Anne Robb at Cothay Manor and Arabella Lennox-Boyd at Gresgarth Hall, alongside Hilborough House in Norfolk and Ferne Park in Dorset that recently only existed as fields. The historic landscape gardens of Boughton House and St Paul’s Walden Bury are explored alongside the contemporary and conceptual at Plaz Metaxu in Devon. From the private walled garden at Petworth to the wildflower-strewn meadows of Spye Park, each garden is a testament to the thriving art of English gardening. With contributions from the country’s best garden photographers, The Private Gardens of England reveals gardening at its highest level. It will inform and inspire anyone with a love of gardening, beauty and excellence.
The gardens of the Alhambra Hill, is intended to be a publication that reflects the historical and aesthetic importance of the gardens of this unique monument of humanity. Since the time it was built, from the eleventh to the fifteenth centuries, the gardens have been an inseparable part of it. The authors of the text are two professors from the University of Granada, experts of the monument and its surroundings. They will lead us through a promenade of flowers, plants, trees and gardens with an informative text. Spectacular photographs made by Fernando Manso, a well known Spanish photographer, will take us to this paradise, full of senses, history and beauty that was and still is the Alhambra.
IVIES, KEY H., 64 pp, 11 euro
This is an illustrated guide to varieties, cultivation and care, with step-by-step instructions and over 150 inspiring photographs. It is a full photographic directory of over 50 varieties of ivy, such as ‘Ambrosia’, ‘Buttercup’, ‘Goldheart’, ‘Kolibri’, ‘Merion Beauty’, ‘Romanze’ and ‘Silver King’. For each variety, full botanical information is provided on leaf characteristics, growth, spread and size. It offers practical step-by-step photographic guidance on cultivating and caring for ivies, including training tree ivies, making topiary shapes, planting hanging baskets and window boxes, and propagating ivies with cuttings. Ivy has an ancient history and has been used for decorative, symbolic and medicinal purposes. Hardy and versatile, it will often prosper where other plants fail. The wide range of leaf shapes, types of variegation, shades of green and ability to climb and trail make it ideal for any garden. This book shows how ivy can be used for a multitude of gardening purposes, from providing excellent ground and wall cover to being trained into topiary shapes and used in containers.A fully illustrated directory covers 50 beautiful varieties within the Hedera genus, each demonstrating the understated charm of this hardy and accommodating plant.
Understanding Roots uncovers one of the greatest mysteries underground the secret lives and magical workings of the roots that move and grow invisibly beneath our feet. Roots, it seems, do more than just keep a plant from falling over: they gather water and nutrients, exude wondrous elixirs to create good soil, make friends with microbes and fungi, communicate with other roots, and adapt themselves to all manner of soils, winds, and climates, nourishing and sustaining our gardens, lawns, and woodlands. Understanding Roots contains over 115 enchanting and revealing root drawings that most people have never seen, from prairies, grasslands, and deserts, as well as drawings based on excavations of vegetable, fruit, nut, and ornamental tree roots. Every root system presented in this book was drawn by people literally working in the trenches, sketching the roots where they grew. The text provides a verydetailed review of all aspects of transplanting; describes how roots work their magic to improve soil nutrients; investigates the hidden life of soil microbes and their mysterious relationship to roots; explores the question of whether deep roots really gather more unique nutrients than shallow roots; shares the latest research about the mysteries of mycorrhizal (good fungal) association; shows you exactly where to put your fertilizer, compost, water, and mulch to help plants flourish; tells you why gray water increases crop yields more than fresh water; and, most importantly, reveals the science behind all the above (with citations for each scientific paper). This book contains at least eighty percent more new information, more results of the latest in-depth and up-to-date explorations, and even more helpful guidelines on roots than the author s previous book (Roots Demystified: Change Your Garden Habits to Help Roots Thrive). This is not a revised edition it s a whole new stand-alone book.